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English Dubbed Version

Rated: PG-13

Length: Approx. 99 min. 

Main Cast: Jackie Chan, Shu Qi, Tony Leung, Emil Chau, Richie Ren


Jackie Chan in a romance. What’s this world coming to anyway!? We start out with some girl telling a story about love and what-not to some fish…some fake looking fish! Then she goes outside and starts talking to a dolphin. Her name is Bu (as in Boo), played by Shu Qi,  and her dubbing stinks! Whoever they got to do her voice is extremely grating on the ears. Bad giggling and dumber lines makes me want to cringe.

Well, she finds a bottle with a note in it when she’s talking to the dolphin. It says something like "I miss you… Albert." It was from Hong Kong. She decides to go there and find this Albert because it sounds like he’s romantic! She finds him somehow (I don’t get this part) and she finds out that he’s gay. Whoohoo!

They go boating and she sees a guy named C.N. (Jackie) chatting with a chick on another boat. She watches as he does a fairly lame fighting sequence and then jumps in the water. Bu thinks she ought to "rescue" him and after she does, she abruptly runs ashore.

Bu finds that C.N. is a lonely millionaire with a big house and no friends. He also doesn’t seem to go into any long relationships. She comes up with a dumb plan to look like a mobster’s girl and thus somehow win his affection. Thus, her gay friends put on a show of trying to "off" her in front of Jackie and he kicks their tails. Then some real toughs come along and a decent fight occurs. These guys are wearing rubber celebrity masks.

Anyway, C.N. and Bu get together and go out and his friend who has those goons/toughs I just mentioned comes along and wants to chat C.N. up. He takes him outside and has him get beaten up by a boxer (Bradley James Allan). Thus, C.N. starts training with Bu and she thinks love blossoms…although C.N. won’t admit it.

Somewhere in here, Bu’s old beau comes looking for her. He jumps off a pier to get a bottle and it too says something about "Albert." He immediately knows where to go and tries to choke Albert into telling him where Bu is. Argh! Stupid! How’d he find Albert!?!?!?!?

Suffice it to say, she gets upset when he won’t admit to loving her and she runs off and C.N. is bothered immensely. Finally he fights with the boxer guy again and beats him. This is probably the best fight scene (actually, the best scene, period!) of the entire movie. It’s comedic and good, but it’s a little too long and not intense enough. Oh well…can’t have everything, unless you’re watching "Who Am I."

Lastly, he goes to the girl’s village to find her and profess his love. Ugh! He shows her all the bottles he’s sent her and it ends with kisses and the perennial showing of Jackie’s and the cast’s screw-ups.

Good Stuff:

The boxer.
The "bad guys" because their funny in a stupid way.

Bad Stuff:

It’s PG-13…but I don’t know why…I didn’t hear any swearing…and the fighting was mostly fake!
The plot is dumb!
It’s just plain boring!!! Jackie Chan flicks are supposed to be action movies!

This was an OK film, but if you’re looking for comedy or fighting look elsewhere. You want romance? Get "The Princess Bride."








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