Bad Company

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Bad Company

Released: 2002

Version: Video 

Length: Approx. 116 minutes

Rated: PG-13

Main Cast: Anthony Hopkins, Chris Rock, Matthew Marsh, Gabriel Macht, Brooke Smith, Kerry Washington, Peter Stormare

Chris Rock is a lousy actor! Now that's a great statement to begin a review, no? I suppose there are some people that will disagree with me, but I don't like the stuff I've seen him in.

This movie is about someone Kevin Pope (Chris Rock), an alias of a CIA agent. He's undercover and arranges to buy a nuclear weapon from a terrorist. After making the arrangements, he gets killed by a rival buyer and the CIA is forced to find his identical twin. Unfortunately, his twin is a street punk that hustles game tickets and beats people at chess for money. He's uncouth, rowdy, perverted, and foul-mouthed. And he's the hero we have to root for.

The CIA director of this operation is known as Oakes (Anthony Hopkins). He's the highlight of the show. Anyway, they train the twit and get him to act like his brother, who was posing as a antiques dealer and was anything but uncouth. He liked classical music whereas this bumpkin only listens to rap/hip hop.

So we get to watch him bumble about and get himself almost killed a few times by the rival buyer's goons. We also see a nice silhouette of a well-endowed black woman who happens to be Pope's girl while she is in the shower. Fortunately, we don't see her naked, but it's close. And her outfit isn't very modest when she does put clothes on.

The jokes in the movie come very close to being funny. They are clever, but the main problem is that rock sticks a lot of bad language in with it and makes what should be laughable into something that makes you want to spit.

It's a very predictable movie. You know what will happen before it does for just about all of it. What is redeeming about it? Well, for some reason Rock doesn't cheat on his shorty (i.e. woman). Of course, it looked like he might have lived with her off and on...but it's hard to say...

The Good Stuff:

Anthony Hopkins

uhhh...I can't think of anything else

The Bad Stuff:


Lewd remarks

Footsie and other stupid sexually explicit tripe.

A fair share of violence

If you want to turn your brain off and lose some brain cells,  GET THIS MOVIE NOW! Otherwise, look elsewhere for some entertainment. I recommend The Bourne Identity or Minority Report if you're looking for action with a plot that might surprise you or at least impress.

STORY: (It's like a soap opera with the CIA)



SFX: (What SFX? Ooh! Look a gun! Wow!)

LANGUAGE: (I've seen movies with more in it...but this one is still BAD!)


OVERALL SCORE: (Think: Formulaic through and through!)

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