Wonderful Day

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Wonderful Day

Fan - Subbed

Released: 2003

Version: Fan-subbed off of Internet

Approx. Rating: PG to PG-13

Length: Approx. 90 minutes

When I saw this, I didn't know what I was getting into. I thought it was a series, not a movie. So I was quite surprised at its length. Being subbed made it harder to follow than it should have been, especially since it wasn't professionally subbed.

The story, as I gathered it, was that there was some kind of organization known as ECOBAN that needs pollution to survive. Their civilization derives energy from pollution. There is another group of people that are referred to as the Marrians. They seem to be considered lower-class scum by the people of ECOBAN. 

Anyway, eventually we learn that there's a rejected ECOBAN guy known as Shua that is working against ECOBAN with some kind of scientist named Noah. There goal is to bring down ECOBAN and bring back the clear blue skies once more. 

There are a few more characters that should be mentioned. One if a chick named Jay that's a part of ECOBAN and who seems to love Shua. There's some kind of love-triangle going on here with her and a jerk that works for ECOBAN. There is also a kid that Shua is always looking after named !?@! Finally, there are a couple of Marrians that appear quite a bit. One is a big black(ish) dude and another is an ugly psycho dwarf.

The story is rather unpredictable and boring. You never know who is going to die and most of the motives of the characters are well hidden. The best thing about the show is that it looks absolutely amazing! They have mixed very fluid anime with superb CGI work and models to make a very cool looking show. It constantly amazes. That is it's only saving grace. That and the artistic nature of the show. You can see that a lot of the scenes were done with an extreme eye for detail and stylization. 

The Good Stuff:

Very interesting animation

I liked the presentation 

No nudity!!!

The Bad Stuff:

More save-the-earth stuff for a story line

The story drags a lot 

The subbers used some very naughty language at times

This was an ok show. I just wish it had more substance. It had a lot of potential, but in the end, it's the story that counts and this just doesn't have it. They obviously took a leaf out of Square's book and made a beautiful movie with little substance.


VIOLENCE: (lots of death)

COMEDIC FACTOR: (only comedic if you find ugly dwarves funny)

SEXUAL CONTENT: (there's a shower scene with no nudity whatsoever...)





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