Nihao My Concubine

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Nihao My Concubine

English Dubbed Version 

Version: Video (Viz Video)

Approx. Rated: PG-13+

Length: Approx. 60 minutes

If you're looking for a Ranma movie, get the other one. This one is not very good.

It begins with some scenes of a dark island and some thundering stormy-like weather. Then we jump to a shipwrecked group. It seems that the cast of Ranma has been shipwrecked on a deserted island due to Kuno's lousy sailing abilities. All the girls are wearing very revealing outfits and girl-Ranma quickly loses his top to Happosai in the first 10 minutes or so. 

Soon girls are disappearing right and left and the people that aren't kidnapped must figure out what's happening. It seems a prince of illusion is having them kidnapped and taken to his island so that he can choose one for his bride. Apparently, the people on his island cannot have female babies, so they must go elsewhere to get women.

Ranma does a lot of dumb stuff in this movie. He gets into a contest that is retarded, continues to bad-mouth Akane and just be an all-around jerk. None of the girls bother to fight back even though they ALL rock at martial arts (with the exception of Nabiki and Kasumi, maybe). HELLO!? What were they thinking!?!?!? ARGH!!!!

A wellspring of water that can turn anything into a man is on the island as some kind of plot twist. It's pretty much the only one though. There are some more touching moments with Ranma and Akane as well as some more annoyances.

The Good Stuff:

Some really funny sequences. 

The dog, bird, and ape men are great.

Cool voice-work

Nice animation.

The Bad Stuff:

Some swearing

Lots of scantily clad chicks

implied bestiality? That one is hard to say...

Plenty of breast jiggling

Lousy music (and it's catching! ARGH!)

Dumb Stuff:

The girls can't do anything

Ranma is an idiot

Both Ranma and Ryoga blow stuff up with some kind of super-powers

The show is just too long!

This was a dumb movie with some funny stuff in it. If you like Ranma and have to see everything, then get it. Otherwise, just stick with the good stuff.









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