Cat Girl Nuku Nuku

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Volume #1

Volume #2

Volume #3

All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku

Vol. #1

Subtitled Version

Released: 1992

Version: Video 

Rated: <unknown>

Length: Approx. 60 minutes

Main Cast: Megumi Hayashibara, Kazue Ikura, Akira Kamiya, Saeko Shimazu

Looking for an interesting anime? Well this one is definitely a good pick. Of course, there are many of other series out there that are good too. 

This one is about a boy named Ryunosuke (Kazue Ikura) who finds a kitten while taking a leak in an alley on his birthday. He gets into his dad's vehicle with the animal and they are attacked by the "Poison One," a flying war machine. It looks kind of like an airplane, but more advanced. Anyway, the cat ends up dead and the dad puts its brain into a robot. Thus, Cat Girl Nuku Nuku (Megumi Hayashibara) AKA Natsume Atsuko, is born.

We find out that the ship that attacked them was from Ryunosuke's mother, Akiko Mishima/Natsume (Saeko Shimazu) . It seems she didn't like Ryunosuke's father, Kyusaku (Akira Kamiya) taking his robot AND her son. She's very protective of Ryunosuke. Anyway, Nuku Nuku ends up being a big sister to Ryunsuke and the first episode is about her going to school. (Yes, she can talk...)

Whilst there, they are attacked again by the Poison One. Nuku Nuku takes it down, though, and the show ends on a happy note.

The second episode has Nuku Nuku taking Ryunosuke to the beach with his cousin. Ryunosuke's mother comes along with her henchmen to try to trick the boy into going with her. How? By doing some odd mind altering stuff to his cousin with electronic gear. Basically, Akiko sticks subliminal messages into Ryunosuke's cousin's brain while she is asleep.

Nuku Nuku must fight a robotic octopus mecha-suit and figure out how to swim to save Ryunosuke. Three guesses as to what happens!

The Good Stuff:

Nuku Nuku is very cool...and quite innocent
Funny story
Pretty good animation
The super fast bicycling is neat

The Bad Stuff:

There's some violence...
And a little swearing
Nuku Nuku wears some skimpy outfits...mostly water gear (Yeah, I know...why would a cat go willingly into water???)
Some of the music is lousy 
Watch out for a pervert that masturbates in his sleep.

I liked this OAV quite a bit. Get it for a refreshing new look at anime.








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All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku

Vol. #2

Subtitled Version

Version: Video 

Rated: PG-13 (due to brief topless nudity)

Length: Approx. 60 minutes

Main Cast: Megumi Hayashibara, Kazue Ikura, Akira Kamiya, Saeko Shimazu

Yes! Two more OAVs with our favorite cat girl. In these two, Nuku Nuku tries to help Ryunosuke get his dad and mom back together. In fact, the first episode shows them living together. It seems that Nuku Nuku had a meeting with Akiko and got them to try getting together again.

Unfortunately, Kyusaku is a jerk and says some nasty things to Akiko. She ends up acting like a slave and then cracking under the strain of all that work (you know, cooking, cleaning, etc.). She then attacks Nuku Nuku with a Mishima Mecha when Nuku Nuku is playing volleyball with Ryunsuke.

Anyway, Kyusaku saves the day by pulling out a gun to take care of the matter. It can only be shot by Nuku Nuku, though, and she doesn't want to hurt Akiko. So, Kyusaku yanks out a chibi Nuku Nuku and uses it to fire the weapon instead. 

The end of the first episode has Ryunosuke watching his parents chase each other around, supposedly in love. Whatever.

The 2nd episode is about Ryunosuke's wish to invite his mother out to dinner with his father for Mother's Day. In it, they also meet a girl named Aimi. It soon turns out that all Aimi wants if Nuku Nuku's body. Why? Well, watch the show to find out, you silly. I'm not going to give away all the plot! I already did that with the first episode.

Suffice it to say that Aimi and Nuku Nuku have a cat fight (pun intended).

The Good Stuff:

Nuku Nuku acting catlike and innocent
Aimi is funny at times too
Ridiculous violence
The animation is decent for the time period
Subtitles were usually easy to follow

The Bad Stuff:

Bath scene with nudity
Aimi and Nuku Nuku fight in lingerie 
A little swearing...

I enjoyed this episode. It's good stuff, even in sub-titles, which I don't really care for. The animation isn't superb, but it works!



SEXUAL CONTENT: (topless Nuku Nuku and some suggestive language, not to mention fighting in one's nighties)





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