Tenamonya Voyagers

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Tenamonya Voyagers

English Dubbed Version (DVD has subbed too)

Version: DVD (Bandai)

Approx. Rated: PG-13 to R (light swearing. 4th episode has rampant nudity and skanky clothing)

Length: Approx. 100 minutes

I had read about this anime being really cool. It turns out that it's not. While I like the cool stylization that is in this show, the plot is a convoluted mess.

The story is about a new school teacher named Ayako and a student, Wakana, that both go to this school somewhere else in the galaxy and when they arrive, they find that it has gone bankrupt and is out of business. Now they need a way to get home. They end up meeting another girl named Paraila who is an ex-boss of a huge crime sydicate.

Paraila finds out that if she goes back to Ayako's and Wakana's home planet, earth, all her charges will drop due to a technicality with the ways the intergalactic laws work.

So that is what the show is about. There are four episodes on this DVD and each one shows the three girls (who are joined by one of Paraila's employees) getting closer to their destination. Also in each episode is a maniacal lady cop that wants Paraila and weird scenes with Paraila's former bosses discussing what they should or should not due concerning her.

Each episode begins with the girls in a different place. There is no explanation for how they got where they are. This makes the show more confusing. And having a narrator interrupt the flow of things to fill in the viewer at random moments is also annoying. And, of course, the narrator has to repeat herself somewhat in every episode! ARGH!

Here is what a typical episode is like:

Wakana and Paraila argue. Ayako gripes about being a fugitive and just wanting to teach...or she just acts ditzy. Paraila jumps in a mech and fights someone (either the cops or some people from her crime syndicate). Then Paraila makes the mech a super mech. And then the three or four girls, depending on which episode you're watching, win and run away again.

The Good Stuff:

I really thought the animation was cool...I've never seen anything quite like it before.

Ayako is kind of cool...

The fight scenes were interesting

3rd episode is funny

I liked the intro. song...

The Bad Stuff:

A little swearing

Tons of near to full fledged nudity in the 4th episode and a little in the 3rd one.

Boring, confusing plot

Skanky clothing, when they are wearing something

The last episode is all about showing all the girls' assets without actually showing them....thus, it's really stupid sick.

Dumb Stuff:

The last episode doesn't tie anything up and seems to be only there to turn men on. It is pointless and only if you are a lecher is it something to get.

There's no ending. What happens to these girls!? Who knows!? Who cares!?!? The plot certainly doesn't make you care.


DVD Features:
Japanese / English Audio
English subtitles
Image gallery
"Interactive Animated menus"
Four trailers (the best one being the Jubei-Chan one )

Yeah, this could have been a good show. Unfortunately, it's just messed up beyond repair. If you like a girls with mecha anime, then this might be for you. But I doubt it. Stay away!








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