Urusei Yatsura

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Urusei Yatsura

English Subbed Version

Released: 1992/2000

Version: DVD  (AnimEigo)

Approx. Rating: PG-13 (due to brief nudity and swearing)

Length: Approx. 120 minutes

This is a review of the first 4 episodes (although each episode is plit into 2 stories, so it feels more like 6 episodes) of the Urusei Yatsura television series. The show consists of Ataru (a pervert that chases girls) meets Lum (an alien / Oni). Ataru must battle her or her race will invade earth and conquer it. To win, Ataru must grab her horns.

I would say this my favorite episode. It's kind of funny and easy to follow. It's also not as annoying as some of the later stuff.

The other episodes just build the cast list. The don't really develop the story much. They range in storylines from a galactic taxi driver that wants a TON of money, to meeting one of Lum's fiancés, to Lum's cousin coming to visit. Lum's cousin looks like a baby and I find him very annoying.

The story with Lum's would-be lover is more enjoyable. He's a pretty-boy that gets all the earth girls excited, including Ataru's mother. Unfortunately, when this alien gets angry, it changes into an ugly monster. It's a pretty good show.

Other than that instance, the show is kind of blasé. There are scenes that are really good, but you have to watch a lot of blah-stuff to see them.

The Good Stuff:

The sub-titles are easy to read and well translated

Some funny stuff

Excellent intro. song ("Lum No Love")

The animation was ok as well

Included note card that give explanations / commentary on the episodes. It's an excellent way to learn more about Japanese culture and their language.

The Bad Stuff:


Lum goes topless in the first episode...and the little animation that lets you know you're half-way through the show also has her topless, but covered...sort of

Dumb Stuff:

Ataru's mother falling for Lum's old boyfriend. (it makes me wonder if Takahashi got the idea of Moose in Ranma from Lum's beau. In some way's the story is similar)

Ataru's dad is really lame

Lots of dumb plots

I was disappointed with this show. Maybe it gets better later on. I recommend it for those interested in other works of Takahashi's, but I don't recommend it for repeated viewings.








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