Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas

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Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas

Released: 2003

Version: Film 

Length: Approx. 89 minutes

Rated: PG

Main Cast: Brad Pitt, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michelle Pfeiffer, Joseph Fiennes, Timothy West, Chung Chan, Andrew Birch

Yes, it's another non-Disney animated flick. And amazingly enough, it's not terrible. I would go so far as to say it is better than some of the recent Disney fare as well.

The first moments of the movie have Eris (Michelle Pfeiffer) talking to herself about how she wants to hurt Sinbad and other evil doings. I missed some of it, but it wasn't that important. Next we meet Sinbad (Brad Pitt) and he is the typical pirate attacking some ship. It just so happens that it's his old friend, Prince Proteus' (Joseph Fiennes) ship.

Well, no matter to Sinbad. He's a jerk and he wants the "Book of Peace." I really don't know why, but he does. They do a little yakking and a little battling and then there's a big lurch in the ship. What's going on? Why, it's a present from Eris: a giant octopus-type creature.

The octopus (or whatever it is) is decent CGI work and looks cool. There are some dumb things to point out, though. One case is the octopus opening its mouth when a keg of gunpowder is thrown at it. Another is some of the impossible acrobatics of Sinbad and Proteus. It just looks kind of ridiculous.

Anyway, when the octopus goes into its death throes, it knocks Sinbad off the ship and he meets Eris. Eris forces him to get the Book of Peace for her or drown. So, he follows Proteus back to his home town. But Sinbad changes his mind and leaves without stealing the book. Thus, Eris disguises herself as Sinbad and steals it herself, which frames Sinbad for the deed.

Things look bad for Sinbad. If he doesn't return the book, he will die. Fortunately, Proteus jumps in and says he will take Sinbad's place so that Sinbad can go and get the book. Sinbad is given 10 days to retrieve it.

Well, that's the set-up and the rest of the movie involves his quest. It should be noted that soon after he leaves on his quest, he discovers a stow-away, Marina (Catherine Zeta-Jones). She is Proteus' betrothed. There's typical rankling on Sinbad's part as he doesn't want a woman on his ship.

The story takes all the typical turns. Due to that fact, there was no tension. However, it was still a nice movie

The Good Stuff:

Good animation

Nice CGI work (although it didn't always work all that well with the traditional animation)

Decent enough plot

The Bad Stuff:

A little swearing

Eris likes to move in a provocative manner...

Marina's clothing almost always had a plunging neckline, however, the animators refrained from adding cleavage even when there should have been some.

Overall, this makes for a nice family flick. If it didn't have swearing, it would have been better. And it needed a more engaging story line too. Still, it's a good Disney substitute.


VIOLENCE: (That skewered octopus was rather nasty)






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