I've included a rating system of sorts and this site is subject to change frequently so check back on a regular basis. Ideas for improvement are always welcome.
Yahody's Rating system: (Symbols may vary)
(This is so bad it even makes Gojira sick!)
(This is the equivalent of the flaming Gojira above, but it's for
Sam's Corner reviews)
(This movie isn't worth the effort to burn)
(Falling asleep is the only plus here)
(Average movie)
(Definitely worth a look)
(Brilliant! But you won't find any movies THAT good on this site...at least,
not Gojira movies!)
Was it original? Was it good, bad, average???Book-to-movie factor:
This is a rating of how well the movie converted the book to the film. If I've read the book and remember to stick this 'factor' in, then you'll know what I think.VIOLENCE:
How much smack was laid down in this movie anyway?SEXUAL CONTENT:
Figure it out!SFX:
Special effects score.LANGUAGE:
How action-packed was the movie?OVERALL SCORE: this is pretty self-explanatory!